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What Are Common Oral Problems?

most common oral problems

Gum disease, tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, oral cancer, and dry mouth are all common oral problems. The good news about oral issues is that you can avoid many of them by practising good oral hygiene. Below are some of the common oral issues and what you can do to avoid them. Visit Dentist Mindarie for more information.

most common oral problems

Common Dental Problems

Dental issues can be inconvenient, especially at night, but most of them can be easily treated or avoided. Brushing and flossing (preferably twice a day), eating a healthy diet, and getting regular dental checkups are all important steps in preventing common oral health issues. Educating yourself on the causes of common oral health problems can go a long way toward preventing them. Listed below are the most common dental health issues that people face throughout their lives.

1. Sensitivity of the Teeth

Tooth sensitivity is a common issue that millions of people suffer from. Tooth sensitivity is defined as pain or discomfort in the teeth caused by cold air, sweets, hot and cold drinks, or ice cream.

Brushing and flossing can be painful for most people with sensitive teeth, but the good news is it is treatable. Sensitive teeth can also indicate a cracked tooth or a tooth abscess, both of which should be treated to refrain from losing a tooth or growing infection in the jaw bone.

Visit your dentist if you experience sudden tooth sensitivity to determine if a source needs to be addressed.

2. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as cavities, is the most common disease, second only to the common cold. Plaque, the substance that forms on teeth, combines with the sugars and/or starches in the food you eat also causes tooth decay. 

As a result of this combination, acids are produced which attack tooth enamel. Cavities can affect anyone regardless of age; they aren’t just for kids. Cavities are also caused by dry mouth.

Brushing at least 2x a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly are the best ways to prevent having tooth decay.

You can also prevent decay by eating foods that are healthy and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks. The dentist will recommend further treatments that might help reduce the risk.

3. Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be humiliating. According to studies conducted by experts, about 85% of chronic bad breath people have a dental problem. Cavities, dry mouth, oral cancer, and tongue bacteria are all oral issues that could result in bad breath.

When used to mask bad breath caused by a dental problem, Mouthwash will only mask the odour rather than cure it. Visit a dental clinic to rule out any of these issues if you have persistent bad breath.

4. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a severe and deadly disease that affects many people, but it can often be cured if caught early and treated properly. People older than 40 are the most commonly affected. 

Alcohol and tobacco use, including chewing tobacco, are the two biggest risk factors. The risk is also increased by HPV. Lumps and sores are some of the signs of mouth or throat cancer. 

You may also experience difficulty in chewing foods or moving your tongue or jaw, as well as a change in your bite.

Oral cancer can be detected early by regular dental visits. Ask your dentist if an oral cancer exam is included in their regular checkup.

5. Erosion of the Teeth

Acid attacking the enamel causes tooth erosion, which results in the loss of tooth structure. 

Signs & symptoms of tooth erosion range from tooth sensitivity to a more serious issue. Tooth erosion is more common than most people realize, but the good news is it is preventable.

6. Gum Disease

Gum or Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the gums that surround the teeth. Periodontal disease is also one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. Gum disease can affect anyone, but it usually strikes at the age of 30 and above. One of the most significant risk factors is smoking tobacco. 

Dry mouth and even diabetes are other factors that raise your risk. Bad breath, swollen, tender or bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and painful chewing are all symptoms. If you experience any signs of periodontal disease, you should see your dentist right away to get treatment to avoid further complications.

Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two major stages of gum disease. However, gum disease can be prevented by regularly visiting the dentist for dental checkups & good dental hygiene.

7. Toothaches & Dental Emergencies 

While toothaches and dental emergencies can be avoided by visiting the dentist regularly, accidents happen. A dental emergency can be extremely painful and frightening.

An abscessed tooth, a broken tooth, or a knocked-out tooth in an accident are all common problems that necessitate an urgent trip to the dentist.

If you have a dislocated or fractured jaw, or serious cuts to your lips, tongue, or mouth, visit the hospital for trauma care. Get emergency care if you have a tooth abscess that causes you difficulty in swallowing or if you have developed a swelling face or fever.


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